Applying for a Free Bus Pass
Applying for your free bus pass
Applicants who qualify under the age category may apply only up to 4 weeks before the birthday when they become eligible.
First time applicants will need to:
- supply an email address, as we will use this to communicate with you concerning your application
- upload a passport sized photograph. You may use a scanned copy or an existing digital photograph.
- Alternatively take a photo using a smartphone or tablet
First time applicants will also need to be able to
- provide your National Insurance number
- upload a scanned copy or photograph of your eligibility documents (if applicable to your application)
- upload a scanned copy or photograph of your proof of age
- upload a scanned copy of your proof of address within Cambridgeshire
Please see the photo guidance for your photograph. This is important as it will be used to print your pass. Your application may be delayed if your photograph is not suitable.
If you are eligible for a free pass and have submitted a suitable photograph and relevant documents, you will receive your pass within 28 days.
If you are unable to scan and upload your proof documents and/or photograph you can still complete your application on-line using this form and send the photocopies of proof documents and original photos by post to:
Concessionary Fares Team
Cambridgeshire County council
PO Box 761
PE29 9QR
If you have any problems using the online form, please telephone 0345 045 1367.
If your issuing office is not Peterborough or Cambridgeshire you should contact the local authority responsible for issuing passes to your home address.
Getting help with your application
For those residents in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, who would like help applying for your bus pass, assisted application is now available again subject to Covid -19 safe guidelines.
Please ask at your local library as you may need to make an appointment or call 0345 045 5225.
We take protection of your data extremely seriously. We regularly review our data protection policy, which can be viewed here.
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