Transport Projects
View all Combined Authority transport projects
Projects that will improve the Bus Network
ZEBRA Scheme Application
On 21 May 2021 the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, following consultation with partners to include Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP), submitted an expression of interest (EOI) to DfT for funding from the ZEBRA (Zero Emission Bus Regional Application) fund.
The Combined Authority was one of six successful bidders (out of 11) that submitted an Expression of Interest on the Fast Track process, and was invited to prepare a Final Business Case to be considered for funding.
Read the Combined Authority ZEBRA Scheme Final Business Case
Read the Combined Authority ZEBRA Scheme Expression of Interest
The A10 project aims to improve the Ely to Cambridge corridor for better journeys and to unlock growth opportunities in the area. A virtual public exhibition held in June and July 2020 demonstrated an overwhelming support for an intervention along this route.
The Strategic Outline Business Case was completed in July 2020 and the short-listed options and Business Case have now been submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) for funding consideration for developing an Outline Business Case. This phase will identify a single preferred upgrade option for progression to planning consents.
Cambridge South Station
In March 2020, government announced in its Budget Statement that the Cambridge South Station project, which had been funded in the early stages by the Combined Authority, would now be fully funded by the Government and delivered by 2025, subject to planning consents.
The Combined Authority remains a strong champion of the project and continues to engage with Network Rail and the Department for Transport in the development of the new railway station adjacent to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
It will work for the integrated delivery of this station as a travel hub serving the Biomedical Campus and connecting it to the northern parts of the area.
Combined Authority officers will support the creation of Cambridge South as a centrepiece within a joined-up and greener public transport system, that includes provision for walking and cycling, and micro-mobility modes like e-scooters and e-bikes.
March Area Transport Study (MATS)
A study has been conducted to identify potential improvements that will make it easier for people to travel in and around the market town of March. It looked at addressing existing traffic flow problems and developed options to allow future growth in the area in line with the Fenland Local Plan.
Town, district and county councillors worked alongside officers from Cambridgeshire County Council, Fenland District Council and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority to develop a number of schemes outlined in the Options Assessment Report.
The public was consulted on the recommended schemes between 15 May and 28 June 2020. The recommended schemes advanced through the preliminary design stage in summer 2021 and an Outline Business Case was submitted in autumn 2021. The schemes are now moving ahead through detailed design with a Full Business Case expected to be submitted in late 2022.
Also, as part of the MATS study a package of minor schemes were approved for delivery in September 2020 which included nine schemes of which most are complete.
A Pedestrian and Cycling Strategy was undertaken in 2019 to complement the MATS Study which identified a range of potential schemes to improve walking and cycling provision across the March area.
King’s Dyke
The King’s Dyke project has removed the notorious level crossing traffic bottleneck on a key route into eastern Peterborough and has been mostly funded by the Combined Authority. This intervention will improve bus and car journey times and reliability, and will have a significant, positive impact on the local environment.
The new road and bridge are already open and work to remove the level crossing itself should be finished by the end of 2022.
March Junction
During 2021/22, delivery of the remaining ’quick win’ construction schemes with March Junction, which include pedestrian, cycling and highway interventions, will be completed.
In addition, the Outline Business Case will progress to develop the larger proposed improvements and approval will be sought to progress to the Full Business Case stage.
Wisbech Access Strategy
The project to improve safety, capacity and enable growth at three locations around Wisbech is nearing the end of the current stage, with detailed design complete and land purchases being finalised. Construction of the three sites is currently not funded, but the Combined Authority continues to look for funding opportunities.
National Highways are developing options for the A47 Elm High Road Roundabout, including options to improve Weasenham Lane Junction with Elm High Road
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