Free Bus Pass Eligibility

You may be eligible if:

  • you are of state pension age, which is currently rising. To find out if you qualify, use the state pension age calculator.
  • you are sight impaired or severely sight impaired
  • you are registered as profoundly or severely deaf
  • you are without speech or have limited speech
  • you are without the use of both arms
  • you qualify for the higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance
  • you have been or would be refused a driving licence for medical reasons
  • you have a learning disability
  • you have a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and been awarded at least 8 points against either the PIP ‘Moving around’ and/or ‘Communicating verbally’ activities
  • you have a war pensioner’s mobility supplement
  • you are an ex-service man or woman who has lost a leg
  • you have a long term disability/injury preventing the ability to walk

If you need help adding in your PIP eligibility proof then use this video to help

Please note that conditions such as autism (unless severe) Asperger’s syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and ADHD are not covered by the government’s definition of a learning disability and do not give entitlement to a bus pass in this category unless associated with another factor that does qualify.


If you qualify, you should apply four weeks before you need your pass.

Your sole and principal residence must be within the Combined Authority area of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Visitors on a temporary visa and British nationals whose principal home is abroad are not eligible for this scheme.


Does the scheme in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough include companion passes?

Please note that the national scheme does not include companion passes for assistants, parents or carers of those who are eligible under a disability category and Cambridgeshire & Peterborough does not offer this as an additional benefit.

Apply for your free bus pass here