Using and looking after your Bus Pass

How to use your Bus Pass
The pass remains the property of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and it is the passholder’s responsibility to ensure that it is only used by the named passholder. If your pass is lost or stolen please report this immediately to us on 0345 045 1367. Deliberate misuse of the pass can result in refusal to issue another pass and/or prosecution.
- If you get on the bus with a friend or partner who also has a pass, both your passes will need to be presented to the ticket reader separately.
- You can keep your pass in your purse of wallet to protect it but you must have it ready before you get on the bus to make boarding quicker.
- Wait for the green light before taking your pass off the reader. It only takes a few seconds. Don’t forget to wait for a ticket to be printed if the machine prints one.
How to look after your Bus Pass
- Keep your pass flat and avoid getting it wet or damaging the edges.
- Do not keep more than one pass in your holder, wallet or purse as this may stop the reader from working.
- Do not get on the bus without putting your pass on the reader and, where required, taking your ticket.
- Do not let anyone else use or copy your pass. You could lose your free travel privilege if the card is found to be misused.
- Do not trim, crack, cut or make holes in your pass. This will make it impossible to be read by the machine and you will need to buy a new pass.
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