Enjoy on-demand, tailor made bus trips, booked at your fingertips!
Ting is a great way to get about by bus in West Huntingdonshire, without having to rely on a car.
Ting is a demand responsive travel pilot trial, in partnership with Vectare, and we’ll use the results of the trial to help decide if it’s a transport option that Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority can use in the future.
Where can you travel?
The Ting service provides buses whenever required to 46 villages across West Huntingdonshire including key towns such as St Neots, Huntingdon, Sawtry and surrounding villages. The service has been introduced to West Huntingdonshire to improve transport links for those living in rural areas, removing young people’s dependence on parents for lifts and allowing local residents to lessen their reliance on cars.
When can you travel?
The Ting service is available 6am-8pm Mondays to Saturdays. Ting doesn’t operate on Sundays or Bank Holiday Mondays.
Book your Ting trip
If you live in the trial area and want to give Ting a try, simply download the Vectare DRT app to your phone, book your trip and your bus will pick you up at your chosen time. Plus, you can travel anywhere within the service zone for just £2 for a single fare, £4 return. OAP and disabled concessionary passes accepted for free travel.
Ting trips can also be booked over the phone, 0115 777 3187.
Plan your Journey