Fenland station car park plan wins resounding approval

Plans for a new car park at Manea railway station have been approved by Fenland District Council and design work is now forging ahead with an eye to completion in November.
Proposals for the much-needed project were agreed unanimously by Fenland’s planning committee.
The car park, in Fodder Fen Road, will have spaces for around 100 cars, and will be just north of the station. It is one of a whole raft of improvements for Fenland stations, funded by £9.5 million from the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority.
The Mayoral Combined Authority has appointed Highways UK to produce the detailed design of the car park, allowing for planning conditions relating to lighting, drainage and a footpath from the car park access to the station. Highways UK has already started work and aims to finish in November.
Building work is expected to commence on site in early 2021.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Mayor James Palmer said:
“It’s another step towards getting Fenland better and greener transport with rail at its heart – this car park will help people cut road travel and use trains instead. We’re investing heavily in Fenland, and I’m determined that our investment in the area’s railway stations and their car parks must be matched by train companies laying on the more joined-up and frequent services people need and deserve.”
Cllr Chris Seaton, Fenland District Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Chairman of the Fenland Stations Regeneration Project Board, said: “A car park for Manea station has been talked about for many years, so I’m delighted that it can finally get under way.
“We’re excited to be working alongside the Combined Authority, train operators and other partners to bring improvements like this forward, for the benefit of people across the Fens.”
Meanwhile, villagers in Manea are organising a time capsule project to mark the completion of the car park scheme. It is hoped the capsule will be buried as part of the ceremony to formally open the car park in 2021.
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